Boost the Cure for IgA Nephropathy in Ayurveda With These Tips

Anything minor related to the kidneys can turn to something major if the required care is not taken on time. When it comes to kidney failure, IgA nephropathy is referred to as one of the major causes of chronic kidney disease. Another name of IgA nephropathy is Berger’s disease. In this blog, we will be reading more about the condition, its aspects and the cure for IgA nephropathy in Ayurveda

Introduction to IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is a condition related to the bad health of the kidneys. This is a result of the stockpiling of an antibody, Immunoglobulin A, in the kidneys of person. Initially, it only causes a small inflammation, which results in impairing of kidneys. This disease progresses over years with time and the course of the disease differs from one person to another. The damage done by this disease is so vicious that it causes end-stage renal failure in humans. Moreover, some people are likely to face problems like hematuria while being the sufferer of IgA nephropathy. 
Shifting towards the treatment for IgA nephropathy, medicines can slow down the development of the disease as believed by allopathy. However, IgA nephropathy treatment in Ayurveda suggests herbs and the adoption of certain health-related guidelines for the cure of the disease from the core. Alongside this, it is significant to decrease the level of cholesterol in the body and monitor blood pressure. 

Cause of IgA nephropathy 

We all know that the kidney is made up of small blood vessels that assist in blood filtration. Once the waste is filtered in the kidneys, it travels to the bladder and eventually makes its way out, through the process of urination. On the other hand, freshly filtered blood goes into the bloodstream and is transported to every part of the body. The human body has many antibodies that protect it from any type of attack done by the pathogens. However, sometimes these antibodies accidentally harm the body and cause a certain diseases known as an autoimmune disease. IgA nephropathy is also an autoimmune disease caused by antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA). This antibody accumulates in the glomeruli of the kidneys and causes inflammation and instead of preventing and fighting infections, it makes the kidneys ill. Some uncertain reasons lead to the development of abnormal IgA proteins in the body, which are unrecognizable. As a result, the body of the person attacks these proteins and forms a bunch of proteins known as immune complexes. Later these immune complexes gather in kidneys and damage the organ. The glomerulus is inflamed and damaged due to these immune complexes and it further damages the filtration system. The damaged filtration system allows the red blood cells and protein to pass into the urine easily.  Patients with a problem such as respiratory infections have increased IgA immune complexes circulation. Moreover, genetic factors also cause IgA nephropathy. This all thing can be halted very precisely with the cure for IgA nephropathy in Ayurveda

Detection of IgA nephropathy 
Detection of any disease is foremost as the further process can be initiated after the detection only. Any abnormality in the body’s functioning should be taken seriously. Blood in the urine can be a sign of IgA nephropathy, so if something like this happens to you, go for a test immediately. Although, it is not necessary that you would be diagnosed with IgA nephropathy. Urine in the blood is not at all normal, if not IgA nephropathy then maybe some other damage to the kidneys. Mentioned below are some tests that can be helpful in the detection of IgA nephropathy. 

  1. Urine tests - Have you ever known this, any disorder in kidneys can be detected by urine tests easily. Blood in urine or protein in urine can be testified with this method and any signs associated with IgA nephropathy can be easily caught. 
  2. Kidney biopsy - In this method of disease detection test, a small piece of kidney tissue is taken out for a microscopic examination. This test confirms the condition of IgA nephropathy. 
  3. Blood tests - Blood tests tell about the level of creatinine in the blood. High creatinine is one of the primary reasons for kidney disease. 
  4. Iothalamate clearance test - This method is majorly used to read the functioning of kidneys. After injecting 1ml of iothalamate in the blood, blood samples are taken on an odd interval of 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 minutes. This test helps in the complete renal function study. 

Ayurveda and IgA nephropathy 

IgA nephropathy treatment in Ayurveda is inclusive of herbs and few changes in the lifestyle of the patient. Allopathy has a firm belief that this condition cannot be relieved but can only be prevented from its development. However, Ayurveda has always contradicted this belief in allopathy. Herbal medicines prepared from the natural herbs, roots, and herbs are much effective than the formulated medicines of allopathy. After a person is done with the tests, he is provided with some natural treatments that directly target the cause of the disease and puts all its efforts in eliminating it from the core. Mentioned here are some of the Ayurvedic measures for the betterment of IgA nephropathy condition. 

  1. Consuming less of protein will reduce body cholesterol. This will be helpful in the protection of the kidneys and the prevention of IgA nephropathy. 
  2. Monitor the blood pressure at home. 
  3. Limit sodium intake. 
  4. Eat low saturated fats and cholesterol. 
  5. Add cod liver oil, canola oil, fish oil supplements, walnuts, and flaxseeds to the diet. These are the sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
  6. Educate yourself enough and quit eating all the nutrients harmful to the kidneys. 
  7. Stay hydrated.
  8. Give up on vigorous exercises and practice yoga and meditation instead. 

This was a piece of short information about IgA nephropathy. If you or any of your known is suffering from this disease and want an Ayurvedic treatment to it, contact our experts here. 

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