Everything about Chronic Kidney disease and its treatment

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What is chronic kidney disease?

It is the unhealthy state of your kidneys when they lose their functions gradually over a prolonged time; then, it means your kidneys are not able to work as they usually do. If this disorder advances to the further stages, then it can lead to the failure of your kidneys. 

You may be asked by your doctor to go for dialysis or kidney transplant surgery to keep your kidneys healthy. Usually, allopathic doctors advise this treatment to upgrade the living standard along with your kidney’s health.

These are not the permanent solution for your kidneys; even allopathic doctors also said that there is no medicine or treatment to cure kidney failure or chronic kidney disease. 

Kidney transplant is the ultimate treatment that is advised by the doctor when they are not able to control the creatinine level with the help of drugs or any medication. If you want a better Chronic Kidney disease treatment, then you can opt for the Ayurvedic treatment for your kidneys.

Chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda

It is a monstrous disorder that can harm your kidneys in five stages. It was estimated that around 323 million people over the world’s population are diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, and from the 1.2 million people lost their lives per year due to this disorder. Ayurveda is known for treating kidney disease with the help of herbal medicines that can provide you better treatment of this health condition.

Some of the healthy and kidney friendly-tips are as follows:

  • You have to consume a healthy and balanced diet that can be very beneficial in Ayurvedic kidney treatment light exercise or yoga is safe for kidney patients. Avoid strenuous exercise is blissful for your kidneys. 
  • If you are corpulent, then reduce your body weight as it forces your kidneys to perform extra for you. 
  • Get enough sleep to keep your kidneys healthy 
  • Quitting smoke is very helpful 
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine intake 
  • Reduce your stress level by indulging in a stress-buster activity
You can take Ayurvedic medicine for chronic kidney disease that is strong enough to treat this disease from its roots.
Is chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is reliable?

Dialysis is a treatment that can help your kidneys in performing their natural functions fluently, but for some particular point of time. Allopathic medicines can give you instant relief from the symptoms of chronic kidney disease but can’t help you in eliminating the causes of this disorder.

Now, the whole world is accepting Ayurveda as the natural and ancient healing procedure because it can eliminate the disease from its roots. Chronic Kidney disease treatment can give you permanent relief from this disorder that can prevent this disorder from reoccurring. There is a myth that Ayurveda works moderately to reduce the progression of this disorder. But it is not true. 

Millions of kidney patients are living a disease-free life with the help of Ayurvedic medicine for chronic kidney disease that is given by some health care centers.
Karma Ayurveda is one of the leading names in the Ayurvedic hospitals that are rendering their services to kidney patients. Here, Dr. Puneet Dhawan and his team are treating kidney patients with the help of herbal medicines to stop kidney dialysis.

Ayurvedic Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in India

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