Curing CKD with the help of Ayurveda

Curing CKD with the help of Ayurveda

Chronic kidney disease means the kidneys are damaged and nor filtering the blood. The reason is why it is called chronic kidney disease is because the damage to the kidneys takes place slowly over time and may not be visible in the initial stages.

Chronic kidney disease can lead to a waste buildup in the bloodstream of the entire body. This blood flows to various parts causing a bunch of complications. For instance, if the lungs may have toxin blood, you will have problems related to breathing and similarly for heart and other subsiding organs. So, it is important to treat chronic kidney disease with a viable approach. You may have known about various allopathic treatments to cure chronic kidney disease, but chronic kidney disease treatment inAyurveda is a natural treatment approach.

Chronic kidney disease gets worse with time and leads to kidney failure if not treated early. The sooner you realize your kidneys are impaired, the sooner you can start with the treatment.

What are the causes of chronic kidney disease?

Progressive damage to the kidneys can result in chronic kidney disease and the conditions that may trigger CKD include:

·         Diabetes: CKD is linked to diabetes types 1 and 2.

·         Hypertension: High blood pressure is the cause and sign of CKD.

·         Obstructed urine flow: It can allow the urine to stay in the parts of the urinary system damaging kidneys.

·         Kidney disease: PKD, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis cause CKD. 

·         Kidney artery stenosis: Narrowing of the arteries attached to the kidneys.

·         Exposure to toxins: Exposure to lead, solvents, fuels can lead to chronic kidney failure.

·         Systemic lupus: An autoimmune disease that attacks or inflames the kidneys.

·         Medications: Excess consumption of antibiotics or over the counter painkillers.

·         Physical damage: Injury to the kidneys.

Apart from these causes, some risk factors may also contribute to the development of chronic kidney disease.

·         A  family history of kidney disease

·         Age

·         Atherosclerosis

·         Bladder obstruction

·         Chronic glomerulonephritis

·         Diabetes

·         Hypertension

·         Sickle cell disease

If you have any of these risk factors, your chances of chronic kidney disease are high and which means you need to take chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.

What can be the signs of chronic kidney disease?

The signs of chronic kidney disease are hard to recognize because they are common to other conditions in the body. They may include:

·         Anemia

·         Blood in urine

·         Pain on the side or mid to lower back

·         Dark urine

·         Decreased mental alertness

·         Decreased urine output

·         Swollen feet, hands, and ankles

·         Fatigue and weakness

·         Hypertension

·         Insomnia

·         Itchy skin

·         Loss of appetite

·         Inability to empty the bladder

·         Muscle cramps

·         Nausea

·         Panting

·         Protein in urine

·         Changes in bodyweight

·         Headache

On noticing three or more of these signs, consult your doctor, and get yourself tested. Only when you can diagnose early, you will be able to feel better with chronic kidney disease treatment in the later stages.

What is the ayurvedic approach to curing CKD?

The ayurvedic approach to treat kidney damage is chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda. It consists of only herbal medicines curated from the rare herbs and spices in nature. This is why a patient feels an overall improvement in health after taking ayurvedic treatment. This line of treatment tends to revive the kidneys and the body in general so that the kidney function can be achieved once again.

There are no harmful effects of consuming ayurvedic medicines as people presume. In fact, this line of treatment is the safest of all the treatments available for curing chronic kidney disease.

 If you want to know more about CKD treatment in Ayurveda, reach us at Karma Ayurveda.

Can Ayurvedic treatment encompass potential to cure kidney disease naturally?

Can Ayurvedic treatment encompass potential to cure kidney disease naturally?

Kidneys are a pair of fist-sized organs in the human body that is situated at the bottom of your rib cage. Each kidney is located on either side of the body.   

Kidneys are one of the most significant organs in the human anatomy that are responsible for clearing out wastes, unnecessary fluid, and other impurities from the blood. Besides, kidneys regulate salt, phosphorus, potassium, and pH levels in the blood. Along with that, this pair of organs also produce some hormones that help in regulating blood pressure and stimulating the production of red blood cells. These organs also release Vitamin D that ensures good growth as well as strengthening the bones. 

In today’s time, a large chunk of the global population is affected by kidney diseases. Now, you would be thinking when kidney diseases occur. Kidneys are naturally blessed with the potential to carry out all their tasks efficiently but sometimes due to any adverse factor or health condition, they become incapable of carrying out their functions, this condition is said to be kidney disease. As kidneys perform several functions for the wellness of the body so when kidney functionality becomes impaired, many health complications can take place in the body. Hence, kidney diseases can cause many health problems to take place including weaker bones, malnutrition, and many more. 

Similar to other health diseases, kidney diseases also go worse with passing time. As a result, when the disease advances then the damage in the kidneys increases which significantly affects the functionality of the kidneys. Eventually, the condition may progress to kidney failure which is a fatal health condition. By using Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally, one can get relief from all kidney problems naturally.


Best Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda with help of natural herbs

Types of kidney diseases and their causes


Numerous types of kidney diseases affect your kidneys. Some main types of kidney diseases are as below


Chronic kidney disease


Chronic kidney disease is a common kidney disease that develops over the long term. With passing time, the disease advances to its higher stages, and hence the damage in the kidneys is almost irreversible. The disease mainly occurs due to high blood pressure. 


Acute kidney disease 


It’s one of the severe kidney disease that develops over a short period; sometimes within a couple of days or weeks. The condition is reversible if proper treatment along with dialysis is taken. Any direct injury to the kidneys, toxins overload and heart problems can cause Acute kidney disease.  




Glomerulonephritis is the condition in which inflammation in the glomeruli takes place. Glomeruli is the small kidney filters that are responsible for performing filtration task. It may occur due to infections, drugs, or any birth defect. But most of the time, it gets better without any treatment.


Polycystic kidney disease


Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary health condition that can cause many cysts to grow in the kidneys. When the cysts grow, they enlarge the size of the kidneys by damaging kidney tissue. Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally is the only way to cure this condition permanently.  


Nephrotic Syndrome


Nephrotic The syndrome is a kidney condition that takes place when Glomeruli gets damaged. It’s not a disease in itself but a group of complications such as too much protein leakage in urine, swollen body parts, deficiency of albumin in the blood, and many more. Minimal change disease, diabetic nephropathy, membranous nephropathy are some of the major causes of Nephrotic Syndrome. 


Some other major kidney diseases are Urinary tract infection, Kidney stones, Alport Syndrome, Amyloidosis, Hydronephrosis, Kidney failure, and many more. Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally is the most efficient method to provide you permanent relief from all kidney diseases.


What signs kidney patients experience often? 

In kidney diseases, no symptoms appear in the early stage but the damage at his disease is mild or nominal. But when the disease progresses to their advanced stages, it causes severe damage to the kidneys; as a result, many symptoms take place in this condition. Some common symptoms of kidney diseases are 


Weakness or tiredness 


Loss of appetite

Problem in sleeping

Muscle cramping

Swollen hands, feet or legs 

Dry or itchy skin 

Pain in back or sides of the body

Puffiness around the eyes

Changes in urine output 


If you notice these symptoms, it indicates that your kidneys are damaged severely. If the condition goes undetected or left untreated, it can go worse to kidney failure. 


How can kidney disease be detected?

If you are symptoms similar to kidney diseases or have any risk factors for kidney diseases then your doctor suggests you to undergo some lab tests to determine your present kidney condition. Some of the tests that are used to detect any kidney diseases are as follow 

Estimated Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)

This test is used to determine how well your kidneys are working and also helps in determining the stage of kidney disease. This test uses some blood samples of the patient.


It’s the most primary test that is used to figure out excess protein leakage into the urine and also blood in the urine.   

Screening tests 

Screening tests like Ultrasound and CT are the tests that provide the computerized pictures of the cross-sectional areas of the kidneys. Hence, any kind of abnormality related to kidneys can be detected with these tests. 

Kidney biopsy

In kidney biopsy, your doctor will take a tiny piece of tissue from your kidney, and further, it is tested under a microscope to determine how well your kidneys are working. 


When you undergo some of these tests and your test reports show abnormal factors then it means your kidneys are not well and require proper treatment.


How kidney diseases can be treated? 

In kidney diseases, modern treatment methods, Allopathy takes the help of some medicines, dialysis, or sometimes surgery. All these Allopathic procedures do not provide a permanent cure for kidney diseases and can only manage them. This treatment system uses drug-based medicines, an artificial treatment, and transplant; all these procedures are complications in terms of their processing and hence several side effects are associated with them. As a result, Allopathic treatment can’t be considered as the best treatment method. While choosing Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally can be a way better way to cure all kidney diseases.


Ayurveda is an age-old treatment science that targets the root causes of a disease so that to provide a permanent cure. In kidney diseases, it uses the same principle to fix kidney diseases naturally. In this process, Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally takes the help of some sacred herbs and some particular conventional therapies. Besides, this natural treatment also emphasizes on the lifestyle of a patient and suggests to avoid habits that are somewhere responsible for the poor health state of the kidneys. Consequently, Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally proffers you with a permanent, hazard-free, and natural treatment. In order to acquire the best Ayurvedic kidney treatment 

 naturally, Search for a reliable and experienced Ayurvedic kidney hospital

Choose the top-class Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally to get cured all your kidney diseases efficiently and safely. 


Proteinuria and its ayurvedic medicine

Proteinuria and its ayurvedic medicine

Proteinuria is a health condition that is mainly related to the kidneys. As the kidney’s filters get damaged due to some fundamental causes, they start to leak some parts of the protein or large molecules along with the urine. Losing protein is overlooked by many because it is a myth that increasing the intake will help to compensate for the loss. However, this is not true. Protein loss when occurs you have to consume fewer amounts of the protein or avoid protein, we can say as your kidneys cannot process them during the blood filtration process.
What protein may you lose during proteinuria?
When the kidneys are healthy, they filter fluid, minerals, and waste also from the blood, but not large amounts of serum protein. Contrary to this, with healthy kidneys, proteinuria may occur and you may have foaminess or frothiness in your urine.
There are two types of serum proteins in the blood that majorly forms the group, albumin, and globulins. Albumin is the main component of serum protein holding 50% of the content and its important tasks include extracting out water from the cells and tissues and maintaining the fluid level, binding the substances that are hard to dissolve in water. 
Globulins, on the other hand, are further composed of alpha, beta, and gamma. The major role of alpha and beta globulins is to transport substances here and there, while gamma globulins are the antibodies. If your doctor tests for protein in the urine, it may include different proteins or albumins only, depending upon the signs.
What are the relevant signs of proteinuria?
With severe protein loss, you may notice the following symptoms appearing:
·         Foamy urine
·         Swelling in the arms, hands, legs, and feet
·         The bloated stomach which is filled with fluid
·         Weight gain caused because of fluid retention
·         Lost interest in food
·         Hypertension
Types of proteinuria
Transient proteinuria is the temporary loss of protein caused by muscle metabolism or strenuous exercise, high fever, stress, and other related conditions. A pregnant woman may have protein in their urine and it does not involve any underlying kidney disease. You can have it cured as time passes and need not take medications.
The other form of proteinuria is the orthostatic proteinuria in which protein is excreted only when a person is seated or standing in a particular position. This type of proteinuria can be seen in tall people, thin or young adults. The kidneys of such persons are usually healthy.
The third form of proteinuria is a serious condition that involves a kidney disease, for instance, multiple myeloma, cancer in the plasma cells in the bone marrow. In orthostatic proteinuria, the blood has too many proteins that get flushed down along with the urine. It is a life-threatening condition that needs the earliest treatment with ayurvedic medicine for proteinuria.
The fourth type of proteinuria is also caused because of some kidney disease, such as Glomerulonephritis, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. In this form, reduced levels of albumin are diagnosed in the urine. Microalbuminuria is a tell-tale sign of early kidney disease in people with diabetes or high blood pressure and also an indication of the need for ayurvedic medicine for proteinuria.
What is the treatment approach?
There are many allopathic approaches to cure proteinuria, but Ayurveda is believed to be the best way to treat it. The ayurvedic medications work on the root cause of the problem and in the case of the kidneys, the ayurvedic medicines treat the inflammation in the filters and reduce waste deposition in the cells and tissues.
To see how Ayurveda works for proteinuria, visit Karma Ayurveda with your reports.
Meta description:
Proteinuria is a condition in which too much protein releases from the blood. To lessen its complications, it should be treated with ayurvedic medicine for proteinuria.

Which is the best Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment clinic in India?

You should choose such a treatment that is natural and can be performed easily; Ayurveda can give you all that a patient desires to. But it is equally important to know if the treatment centre and doctors are worth your trust or not. Prepare these five questions before putting your trust in any kidney treatment center or nephrologist:
·         Are they giving honest solutions?
·         Do they have alternate solutions?
·         Their preferred solution should not be surgery or transplant.
·         Do they provide a customized diet plan?
·         Do they really care for their patients?
·         Are they money-centric or well-being centric?
Ask these questions to yourself and find the answers on your own. Self-realization and gut will always help you in getting what is right for you. Only the best Ayurvedic kidney treatment clinic can provide you the answers.
As far as Karma Ayurveda is concerned, we at Karma Ayurveda have always been the patient-centric and result oriented. We offer the following:
·         The patients are the family of Karma Ayurveda.
·         We observe the condition completely and then recommend the treatment.
·         We provide the alternatives for every recommendation.
·         We have a personalized prescription for every kidney patient.
·         We provide Ayurvedic herbs and herbal medicines so that they patient don’t have to hustle to buy a specific product.
Karma Ayurveda is one of the best Ayurvedic kidney treatment centres in India. Here we will share some secrets with you to make your lives better and improved. We believe that the diseases will not hit you if you make the following dietary and lifestyle changes in your daily lives:
·         Dr. Puneet Dhawan says that the diseases are derived from the unhealthy environment so the solutions must from the environment only and not from the labs.
·         Avoid the food that is packed. Cook by yourself.
·         Avoid the consumption of frozen food.
·         Avoid the intake of alcohol and drugs. They are harmful anyway.
·         Avoid the intake of high sodium, potassium, and phosphorus-rich foods.
·         Drink fresh juices that mean no more packed and premade juices.
·         Drink green tea instead of milk and black tea.
·         Eat fresh fruits and vegetables only.
·         Eat healthily and avoid the junk.
·         Practice a few yoga postures and meditate.
Karma Ayurveda is one of the ancient kidney treatment centers providing the best treatment for kidney diseases in India and globe. So, if you are looking for a better option to save your kidneys from being touched by the chemical and manmade methods, then you should opt for the kidney treatment by Karma Ayurveda. Come and visit us and you can see the effects within a month only.
Karma Ayurveda has gained the trust of 35000 patients since 1937 till the date. At Karma Ayurveda, we are strictly prohibited to use any kind of allopathic treatment. Karma Ayurveda has given the treatments for the entrenched kidney diseases with best Ayurvedic kidney treatment only. The allopathic treatment cannot suppress the root causes of the kidney diseases but Ayurvedic treatment has the miraculous powers to suppress the root causes for-ever!

Rules to Follow in Ayurveda Acute Kidney Failure Treatment

No person in this world wants to live an unhealthy life but every person can make possible attempts to stay healthy and fight anything that comes their way. Bad conditions associated with the kidneys of humans require instant attention and care so that it could not turn to something fatal.  

This blog will help you to understand what acute kidney failure is and the causes behind ARF. Moreover, this blog contains information about acute kidney failure diagnosis and rules that are needed to be followed during acute kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda.  

Acute kidney failure: a brief

The condition of rapid loss of the kidney’s filtering ability is called acute kidney failure or acute renal failure (ARF). The growth of this condition in a human’s body happens all of a sudden within a few days. People who are already suffering from any of a critical health condition and are under intense surveillance and care are majorly on the risk of getting acute kidney failure. Moreover, it affects people who are healthy otherwise. The most important and relieving fact about this condition is that it can be reversed and kidneys could come back to their normal functioning. Like any other dangerous condition associated with kidneys, acute kidney failure also causes the accumulation of toxic wastes inside the body and may turn the situation fatal if the required action is not taken on time. 
As far as the diagnosis of acute kidney failure is concerned, it is based on the level of creatinine in the blood, urine excretion, and the need for kidney replacement therapy. Moreover, kidney ultrasonography can be performed to understand the condition of kidneys. 

What causes acute kidney failure? 

Widely three conditions can lead to kidney failure in humans. Here, we will read about those factors and conditions in detail so that one can acknowledge it and prevent it on time. Acute kidney failure can be the result of conditions like:
A. Direct damage caused to the kidneys
B. Urinary blockage
C. Impairing of blood flow to kidneys

What are the direct damages caused to the kidneys?

Discussed here are some of the conditions and agents that can directly harm human kidneys and cause acute renal failure in almost no time. These conditions involve-
Alcohol, a toxic agent that can cause kidney failure
A disease that damages the skin and tissues connected to it, scleroderma
Disorder in the blood such as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Clotting of blood in the arteries and veins around and inside the kidneys
Accumulation of cholesterol
Lupus that later causes glomerulonephritis
Drug abuse or overuse of medicines
Premature damage to RBC that causes hemolytic uremia syndrome and eventually causes acute kidney failure
When there is a breakdown in the tumor cells certain toxins are released that damages the kidneys
Muscle tissue breakdown

Ayurveda acute kidney failure treatment comprises the treatment of all these causes that directly or indirectly harm kidneys. As per the rule of Ayurvedic treatment, it is important to treat the underlying causes to fight the major disease. 

What factors are involved behind the blockage of urine?

Acute kidney failure, at times, can be the result of urine blockage and here are the diseases/conditions that can block the urine flow. If you are facing any such condition, without wasting time pay the required attention to it. 
Cervical cancer
Cancer in bladder
Kidney stones
Prostate cancer
Clotting of blood in the urinary tract
Colon cancer
Damage of nerve that efficiently controls the bladder

Reasons involved in the impairing of blood flow to kidneys

Given below are the reasons that cause the impairing of blood flow to kidneys. 
Heart attack
Diseases in heart
Liver failure
Blood loss
Allergies and drug abuse
Medicines for imbalanced blood pressure 

Acute kidney infection treatment in Ayurveda is the prompt treatment for many other infections that can lead to kidney failure in humans. If a person welcomes Ayurveda in life, he or she can feel the obvious change in health in no time. 

Let us read about some rules of Ayurveda that will help you to overcome acute kidney failure easily without turning the treatment hectic and lengthy. 

Rules for a speedy recovery from acute kidney failure 
In Ayurveda, everything for the treatment is natural and authentic. Unlike allopathic kidney treatment, Ayurveda is inclusive of herbs, yoga and a good diet that check the nutrients balance in the body to keep us healthy. Ayurveda makes use of certain qualitative herbs, shrubs, and herbal edibles along with meditation and changes in the way a person eats and what he or she eats. When all these things come together, it provides a very effective result that can be felt. The only rule in Ayurveda for a speedy recovery from any type of kidney failure is to stick to what has been asked to do, be it the herbs or the diet, follow it as if you are chasing life and the results you will notice in months will be out of this world. 

First rule 

If you are asked to quit any of your bad habits, do it quickly not just for the sake of your disease but also for a quality life. If you will make one positive change towards your body, your body will show you 10 healthy changes. Here are some of the bad habits you need to quit even before the doctor demand it. 
a. Quit smoking
b. Quit tobacco consumption in any form
c. Quit the use of alcohol
d. Sleep early and take healthy 7 hours of sleep
e. Wake up early in the morning and go for a short walk
f. Quit eating junk all the time

Acute kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda is rich with the treasure of herbs that helps a person in quitting habits like smoking and drinking without any major stress. 

Second Rule 

It is important to make certain dietary changes in order to provide our body with food that can be processed easily even if the kidneys are not good enough in its functioning. Eating according to the need of the disease will help the kidneys to recover soon. Moreover, a good eating plan prevents the two major problems associated with kidney disease i.e. diabetes and high blood pressure. 
a. Monitor the amount of sodium you eat and keep the quantity less than that of consumed by a healthy human. 
b. Monitor potassium, phosphorus, and protein consumption. 
c. Eat an adequate amount of calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
d. Eat small portions of food. 

Third Rule 

Say no to vigorous exercises as it leads to the production of excess of creatinine in the blood. Creatinine can damage kidney functioning. Instead, go for a short walk and practice yoga and meditation. This will benefit you more than the exercises. 

Fourth Rule
It is necessary to build a firm belief in the method of treatment used for a good result. People widely believe that allopathy is the best treatment and they look down on Ayurveda not knowing that Ayurveda treats the disease from its cellular level and rejuvenates all the damaged cells. A belief can push the confidence of the patient up and can show wonderful results. Take the prescribed herbs on time for the desired results. 

These were the four basic rules of Ayurveda’s acute kidney failure treatment